How can you increase productivity at home with ADHD?

Productivity at home?

Productivity is usually something we think about related to work, but it can be a challenge at home too.  Especially when you include ADHD in the mix.  From paying bills to doing dishes to getting ready for the day, it can all get overwhelming if you have ADHD.  You can learn more by listening to my discussion with Virtual AD/HD Conference Founder and Director Jennifer Koretsky.

Listen here:  Virtual AD/HD Conference Podcast Series

Strategies are Critical

Developing strategies that work for you can help you to increase your productivity at home if you have ADHD.  Join me on October 6, 2011 at 3:45pm as I teach a session at the 2011 Virtual AD/HD Conference to help you identify and develop those strategies.  Check out the conference schedule to learn more about the conference and individual sessions.  This conference is highly valuable and I hope you can join us!

What strategies do you use to increase your productivity at home?

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How would you change education?

A colleague recommended a blog post from Seth Godin titled Back to (the Wrong) School.  I found Seth’s perspective interesting.  He describes the education system as designed to develop employees for jobs available in 1925.  The world has changed a lot since then of course and Seth states, “As long as we embrace (or even accept) standardized testing, fear of science, little attempt at teaching leadership and most of all, the bureaucratic imperative to turn education into a factory itself, we’re in big trouble.”

I think this presents an interesting challenge for all of us, especially those interested in helping students with ADHD.  What would you change in the education system to help us better prepare for the workplace and economy of the future?

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What is success?

This article is being submitted to a contest being held at Mom Biz Coach.  Lara Galloway has invited mompreneurs to share their definition of success and how they have achieved it.  She’ll choose ten to publish in an upcoming magazine.  I would love your feedback!

Evolution of Success

Success evolves over time.  Naturally, as we move through childhood, we move from crawling to walking, from spelling tests to U.S. History exams.  In the earliest stages, we often focus on physical milestones for success.  In school, we feel success when we do our personal best and earn grades that make us proud.

The Corporate Ladder

Upon entering the working world, the corporate ladder defined my of success.  I steadily worked my way up that ladder for over 15 years.  By anyone’s definition, including my own, I was successful.  Then, towards the end of 2008, my employer offered something I never expected.  Every salaried employee was offered a severance package to resign from the company.  I accepted the offer.

The Evolution Begins

The subsequent two-and-a-half years have been a journey in determining my personal definition of success.  Once I left the corporate world, I had no idea what definition of success to use.  Knowing nothing else, I assumed I would replace my income within a year.  I worked with career coach Maggie Mistal to help me determine fit my passions into my next career steps.  Together we identified my career path, which was to start My Attention Coach and make an impact in the lives of people with ADHD.  I thought, ” I’ll work hard and be a success!”  That is the way it always worked previously so I figured it would work with my business. Well, with my definition of replacing my corporate income, I was NOT successful.

Defining Success

Over time, however, my definition of success has evolved and I find myself enjoying success at each new step.  Financial success in business can take time. I have determined that my success needs to take a wider view of life.  Success to me now means so much more than money.  Don’t get me wrong, money is important, but there is so much more.


I have achieved success with my family over the last couple of years.  My husband and I strengthened our marriage and I have been able to spend more quality time with my kids.  The flexibility of my business has meant more vacation time and unconventional work locations this year.


I have met so many wonderful people over the last three years.  Both virtually and in real life.  Without stepping away from Corporate America, I never would have met many new friends and colleagues.  This is a wonderful point of success for me.

Making a Difference

My career coach, Maggie Mistal probably knew this would happen back in 2008 when I hired her.  I have made a difference in the lives of people with attention challenges.  Even making a difference in one person’s life is a success.  I come back to this point on a regular basis.

Success is now pretty simple.  If my family is strong, I am connecting with amazing colleagues and I am making a difference in the lives of people with attention challenges, I am successful.


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