Managing Email

Can you check your email only once or twice per day?  Yes, I said only once or twice!  I, like many of you, often check email whenever it comes to my in box.  When I check email only once or twice per day, I spend much less time on email.  Most importantly, I save time by avoiding multiple transitions between tasks.  Transitioning between tasks can add time to both the task I was doing and reading email so it ends up being a lose-lose proposition.  When you check email as it comes in, you are more likely to rush through your response.  Reading and responding to email in chunks of scheduled time can help you focus on the email at hand and give it the attention it needs.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.  Time yourself before and after – did this idea help you save time?

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Client Perspective on Coaching

I am honored to share an interview that I recently had with a coaching client.  Joe* is eleven years old.  He and his parents agreed for me to publish this brief interview with as long as we protected his privacy.  Some identifying details have been changed to ensure his privacy.


Laura:  Can you tell me what you like most about coaching?

Joe:  It helps me accomplish goals that I want to accomplish.  


Laura:  What goals have you set through coaching?

Joe:  The goals that I have this summer are goals like reading books and writing about my day.  When I was in school, I had a goal to finish my homework on Friday, not over the weekend.


Laura:  Did you have any other goals during the school year?

Joe:  I had a goal to achieve the National Physical Fitness Award in school.  


Laura:  How did you plan for it?

Joe:  I did a bunch of exercises like crunches, push-ups and running.  I planned my exercise at the beginning of the week, and I checked my progress at the end of each week.


Laura:  Did you achieve your goal?

Joe:  Yep, I achieved the National Physical Fitness Award!  


Laura:  That must have been pretty exciting!

Joe:  Yeah!


Laura:  Is there anything you don’t like about coaching?

Joe:  Nope!


Laura:  Would you recommend coaching to other students?

Joe:  Yeah, to other students who have a hard time planning out their week.


* Client’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.


This interview shows just a glimpse of what coaching can do.  Goals might be to do more reading, achieve an award or overcome procrastination.  As I have said before, there are no right or wrong goals.  Goals are determined by the client depending on their needs and priorities with their coach’s support.  I want to express my sincere appreciation to Joe for letting me interview him.  Please let me know your thoughts and any questions that you have.

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Back to School Planning with ADHD

It may seem like school is a long way off still, but these last few weeks of summer will be gone before we know it.  Get better prepared with some of my tips and others that are linked below.  When you decide what you will do, decide when to do it and honor your commitment to yourself.

The following ideas and suggestions are at the top of my list:

  • Talk to your child and ask how they would like to get ready for the school year.
  • Talk with your child’s doctor, therapist, coach, tutor and/or any other support person in their lives.  Ask what they recommend to help your child start the school year successfully.
  • Ensure that your child has a planner that will work for them.  Their school may provide one that works, you can customize a teacher’s lesson plan book, check out the blog of “adhdmomma” for a customized planner, or check out your local office products store.
  • Look into a family calendar to help keep everyone’s schedules straight once the school year gets in swing.  The website Families With Purpose has some great family calendars and mom’s planners
  • Check out tips from websites like Attitude magazine‘s site and 

Which of these ideas sounds good to you?  What are you doing to get yourself or your children ready to go back to school?  Share your ideas in our comments.

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Turmoil to Tranquility: Tools for Keeping on Track; Birmingham Bloomfield Families in Action (MI)


November 14, 2009

8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m.

$5 for BBFA Members, $20 for others pre-registered, $25 at the door (this is for the whole event, not just our workshop)


Workshop presented as part of BBFA’s Parenting & Wellness Fair at Lahser High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.  The keynote speaker is Dr. Michele Borba, Today Show parenting expert and childcare for kids ages 2-12 is available for $5 per child (advance registration required).


Interactive workshop where participants will learn strategies to overcome challenges related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  We will explore specific challenges such as academic problems, troublesome household routines and other needs of the participants.  You will leave the workshop with an action plan tailored to one of your specific goals.


For registration information, please go to the BBFA’s website.

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