Brainstorming ADHD Challenges


Last week, I talked about how to Use Your Strengths to Manage ADHD.  If you have not read that article yet, please read it before reading this one.  Keep your strengths in mind while doing the sometimes difficult work of considering all of your challenges.


Identifying your ADHD challenges can help you create the awareness that you need to set effective goals that will help you move forward.  A few things probably come right to mind, and I would encourage you to explore your challenges more to gain additional insight.  What we think of on the surface may not give us the insight we seek.  Brainstorming can be a productive way to do the exploring.  A key to brainstorming and exploring your challenges will be to not stop and evaluate or judge your challenges.  Grab a piece of paper and brainstorm your answers to the questions below.

  • In what areas of your life do you have challenges that are related to ADHD? Be specific.
  • What can you improve on related to your ADHD or related challenges?
  • What challenges are the highest priority for you?
  • Think about how these challenges are related to ADHD and Executive Function.  I recommend the sites of Dr. Russell Barkley and Dr. Thomas E. Brown for more research here.  How can you reframe your challenges to tie them to the executive functions discussed on these sites?

Review your challenges.  What insight does this brainstorming list provide you?  How can you use it to prioritize your goals?  Share your feedback and questions here.

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