Client Perspective on Coaching

I am honored to share an interview that I recently had with a coaching client.  Joe* is eleven years old.  He and his parents agreed for me to publish this brief interview with as long as we protected his privacy.  Some identifying details have been changed to ensure his privacy.


Laura:  Can you tell me what you like most about coaching?

Joe:  It helps me accomplish goals that I want to accomplish.  


Laura:  What goals have you set through coaching?

Joe:  The goals that I have this summer are goals like reading books and writing about my day.  When I was in school, I had a goal to finish my homework on Friday, not over the weekend.


Laura:  Did you have any other goals during the school year?

Joe:  I had a goal to achieve the National Physical Fitness Award in school.  


Laura:  How did you plan for it?

Joe:  I did a bunch of exercises like crunches, push-ups and running.  I planned my exercise at the beginning of the week, and I checked my progress at the end of each week.


Laura:  Did you achieve your goal?

Joe:  Yep, I achieved the National Physical Fitness Award!  


Laura:  That must have been pretty exciting!

Joe:  Yeah!


Laura:  Is there anything you don’t like about coaching?

Joe:  Nope!


Laura:  Would you recommend coaching to other students?

Joe:  Yeah, to other students who have a hard time planning out their week.


* Client’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.


This interview shows just a glimpse of what coaching can do.  Goals might be to do more reading, achieve an award or overcome procrastination.  As I have said before, there are no right or wrong goals.  Goals are determined by the client depending on their needs and priorities with their coach’s support.  I want to express my sincere appreciation to Joe for letting me interview him.  Please let me know your thoughts and any questions that you have.

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Time Management – Overcome Your Challenges

Have you read the other posts on time management?  Are you wondering how to make it all work for you?  Whether you hire an attention/ADHD coach or plan to hold your self accountable, I recommend a simple process to reach your time management goals.


First, identify the challenges that cause you the most trouble with time management.  Are you late to meetings, unprepared when you get there or working too late?  I could go on for pages.  What matters most is defining YOUR challenges.


Second, set one goal as a starting point.  Be specific and make the goal measurable.  For example, a goal might be “Consistently get to meetings ready and on time by August 7th.”


Third, develop an action plan.  What small steps can you take to get started?  What tips can you implement from my other posts on time management?  Build in rewards for yourself to stay motivated.


Fourth, take action.  While this may seem the most simple, getting started is often the most difficult step.  Especially if you have ADHD and have trouble initiating tasks, you need to be firm with yourself on this one.  Pick a day that you will start and give yourself a reward for starting. Remember that it typically takes at least 21 days to develop a habit.  Give yourself enough time.


Fifth, measure your success.  Do this in a way that works for you.  Keep a journal, a chart and/or discuss your successes with a friend.  It is important to keep perspective on what you are doing.  Hold yourself accountable.  Consider hiring a coach to keep you on track.


Sixth, keep going and develop new goals.  Maybe you have gotten to all of your meetings in one week on time and prepared.  Make your next goal to maintain that success for the next two months.  Or maybe you are ready to tackle that big project at work now.  Plan your actions and get started.


What are you going to do to improve your time management skills?  Who can help you stay accountable to your plan?  Still have questions?  Leave a comment to let us know!

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Coaching Discounts

LSR Coaching and Consulting, LLC is pleased to offer Special Summer Coaching Packages to new and existing customers!

  • Are you interested in being coached for your ADHD, time management or other attention-related challenges? 
  • Do you need to refocus and manage time better?
  • Does your child need strategies for next school year?
  • Do you or your child struggle with ADHD or ADD?

Overcome these and other challenges with attention and ADHD coaching from Laura Rolands.  Purchase a coaching package from LSR Coaching and Consulting, LLC by July 15, 2009 to receive the following discounts:

  • Four week package:  25% Discount
  • Eight week package:  50% Discount
  • Twelve week package:  75% Discount


Leave a comment below, call 248-251-4006  or email to learn more.  Let us know your questions and feedback!

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