Prioritizing can help you get focused.
To Do List
Think about your To Do list. Even if you have not written one in a while, think about the last time you wrote one. Chances are you have too much on that list. It seems as though our personal and professional to do lists can be never ending. This, as you know, can be overwhelming. To help you focus today, identify the priorities on your list. What are the top 3 MUST DO items on the list for today? Focus on them to increase your chances of accomplishing them.
On a broader scale, the same concept applies to our goals. There may be many on our list. We can help ourselves to focus if we prioritize our goals by importance and/or timing. In the online coaching program I am developing, I have included a matrix that includes low and high priority indicators. In addition, I have broken timing into three categories:
- complete within the next 2 months
- complete within 3 – 6 months
- completion will be more than 6 months away
By using this matrix or similar ones, you can visualize your priorities by level and timing.
How do you prioritize?
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