Practical Zen Brain Hacks with Alan Brown

I recently had a chance to interview Alan Brown from ADD Crusher and he shared some great tips for mindfulness that have immediate impact – what he calls “practical Zen brain-hacks”.   My favorite technique is to take 10 seconds to meditate.  10 seconds!  WE all have time for that don’t we?

This is learn-it-today-do-it-tomorrow material, and shared in a fun, interactive conversation that will be of value to individuals as well as ADHD coaches looking for fresh strategies to help their clients.

 Invest 15 minutes and listen below or at Practical ADHD Strategies.  You’ll be happy you spent the time!

Check Out Self Help Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Laura Rolands on BlogTalkRadio

Be sure to get Alan’s free eBook — 5 Things You’re Doing Every Day that Make Your ADHD Worse! — at And when you’re there and want to try Alan’s acclaimed instructional videos risk-free, use coupon code ROLANDS15 for 15% off any purchase!

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