Having ADHD can cause issues with finances. Whether you spend too much, don’t save enough or just lose track of it, these suggestions can help you increase your success with money.
Say No
If your ADHD causes you to be impulsive, chances are that this carries over to your finances. This can cause you to stretch your finances too far by making purchases that don’t fit with your income. Say “no” to purchasing in the moment instead of saying yes… especially high priced items. This gives you a chance to evaluate whether or not you need the item and whether you really even want it. If saying “no” seems too harsh, practice saying “maybe”. You can always go back and purchase it later!
It can be difficult to remember to pay bills when you have ADHD. It can also feel like such a chore that you just never get around to doing it. Automate as many of your bills as possible to take some of the work out of the process. You can do this through your bank and/or through the company you are paying.
Keep Track
Whether you use technology or an “old fashioned” checkbook register, it is important to keep track of your money. Easier said than done right? Make it simple so that you stick with it. You do things like check your balance on-line once per week, set up low balance alerts with your bank, or review your register once per week. Set a goal to keep track and establish reminders for yourself.
Get Assistance
Learn more about how to manage your finances and gain success with your money. Getting assistance to help you improve your money management can go a long way towards becoming successful with ADHD and money. I recommend the ADHD & Money Management Online Seminar at ADHD Management with Dr. Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, Ph.D. She speaks internationally, and appears in national media outlets frequently covering the topic of ADHD and money management.
What are YOUR keys to financial success?
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