Self-Coaching for ADD / ADHD

Gain Focus, Manage Time & Pay Attention

Please join me as I teach another free teleclass at on August 12, 2014!

Learn how to apply self-coaching strategies to help manage your biggest ADD / ADHD challenges. I will teach you how to use successful coaching techniques to gain focus in your personal and professional life, manage your time better and pay attention to the priorities that matter.

Listen over the telephone or internet!

*You will be able to listen to a free replay until 8/19/2014.

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Date: August 12, 2014
Time: 09:00-10:00 p.m.
Event: FREE Teleseminar Self-Coaching for ADD / ADHD: Gain Focus, Manage Time and Pay Attention
Registration: Click here to register.

Mid Year Tune Up for your 2014 Goals

Corporations often require employees to review their goals and career development plans in the middle of the calendar year.  The intention is to maintain and regain focus on goals and help drive success.  Employees meet with their managers to check in on progress and develop action plans to help them move towards their goals.  In Human Resources, we call this a “mid-year tune up”.  I like the analogy of a tune up to make sure things keep moving and working properly.

The idea of a tune up mid-year is useful for everyone and especially for anyone who has ADHD.  If you have a tendency to overcommitt, now is a perfect time to regroup and set the course for a productive close to 2014.  Do you tend to lose focus on your priorities during the year?   Take time to refocus on the priorities that mean the most to you.

Pull out your goals or resolutions that you made for 2014.  They can be personal, family and/or business goals.  Review your goals and first review and celebrate the progress you have made.  The celebration step is an easy one to skip, but I recommend that you take it seriously.  You need to give yourself credit for what you have accomplished.

Review your goals to see what else you need to put in place to achieve your success.  Identify action steps that you can take in the next week to move you forward.  If due dates have passed, set new deadlines that are more realistic.  Are there any goals that no longer seem relevant?  Get rid of them!  (Decluttering at its best!)  Are there new goals you need to implement?  By formalizing them and setting action steps, you can increase your chances of staying on track and achieving your goals.

Leave a comment below and let me know how you will review your goals and plan for success.  We are here to help!  Wishing you a successful end of 2014!

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